How many people are thinking about suicide?

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You may not always realize that you are not the only one who is struggling with thoughts about death, stepping out of life. Jan Mokkenstorm, the founder of the national suicide prevention foundation, examines the question of how many people struggle with the thoughts of suicide.

410,000 people in the Netherlands think of suicide every year. This has been shown by a study of the Trimbos Institute among Dutch people aged 18 to 64 years. Every year, 94,000 people in the Netherlands actually make an attempt to kill themselves


  • There are relatively few suicides in the Netherlands compared to other European countries.
  • In absolute numbers, there are more than 1,800 suicides per year in the Netherlands.
  • 8.3% of adults have ever thought about suicide.
  • 2.2% of adults have ever attempted suicide.
  • The number of suicide attempts per year is not exactly known, but is estimated at 94,000.
  • Every year, at least 14,000 attempts are treated in the hospital.
  • Men commit suicide more often than women.
  • Women do more suicide attempts than men on average.

You can always talk

Are you stuck of yourself? You can always call, day and night, to [0900-113]. Because you can also take others in confidence to talk about it. For example your teacher, a minister or your chief at work. Make sure that you do not have to carry your secret with you alone. You do not have to go through this alone.